Before we treat your house, please do the following:
- If at all possible, everything must be removed from the bedroom, except for the beds and furniture.
- Remove, wash and dry all bedding, pillows, sheets, comforter and blankets. Place all these in a black plastic trash bag and set it in the bathroom.
- Lean the box springs and mattress up against the wall. Drain waterbed of enough water so that we may be able to pick up the corners of mattress.
- Remove all clothes from the closets, dressers, off of sofas and chairs. Wash and dry all these in extreme heat. Place all items in a black plastic trash bag and set it in the bathroom. Please do not return clothes to your dresser, closets, sofas and chairs until services are complete.
- Move all furniture away from wall to about 2-3 feet. Vacuum entire apartment, especially the edges. Take the vacuum bag outside and throw away. Do not share your vacuum with friends as it may spread the infestation.
- All food and dishes must be removed from counter tops and/or covered. This also means dirty dishes too.
- All personal hygiene items need to be placed in a zip-locked plastic bag, especially toothbrushes.
- Pets must be removed from your home prior to service and must remain gone from 2-4 hours. Birds need to be gone for 24 hours. Remove and cover all pet food and pet dishes. Fish tanks must be covered with plastic bag. Unplug the air pump and cover it with a blanket or a towel.
Please plan on being gone from the premises for 2-4 hours. Children under the age of 2, anyone pregnant (human or animal), anyone with respiratory problems must be gone at least 4 hours. If in doubt, call your doctor and find out how long you should be gone.
After the treatment, wash counters thoroughly. Do not store anything under the beds.
Remember to call us for a follow-up appointment to be sure we did get them all. Eggs may hatch after the initial treatment.